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This Lecture Was Given On A Mountain Side Plateau
DuringOne of Our Recent Treks (2016)
This Is What Dr. "B" Introduced Us To!
"ChemoBrain And More! When He Finished...On Another Mountain Plateau, We Were Astonished!
First, He Reviewed Us On ThisClickBack Arrow To Return Here.
Do you remember "Chemo-Brain?" Dr. "B" Has Been Telling People This for Years:
"Avoid chemotherapy, and avoid radiation therapy for cancer. They do more harm than good. Radiation therapy, in particular, was literally 'born in death.' But yet, if you read books such as The Plutonium Files, Strange Glow, and Atomic Accidents: A History of Nuclear Meltdowns and Disasters: From the Ozark Mountains to Fukushima; you will see there is nothing safe about radiation that is used as a concentration-killer. The idea behind it is, there is a genetic cause for the cancer, so if you kill the cell or cells, you have killed the genetic code that caused the cancer, the cancer cell or cells, and you have wiped out the cancer.
Why, then, if this be so, do people, especially young people who have radiation therapy to kill the cancer "cell or cells" develop the Bystander Effect and many doctors have announced some 20 years later, 'The cancer came back.'
"Many older people who develop cancer, often don't have that long left from radiation therapy or chemotherapy, and die from cancer complications, which are due, in effect, to radiation therapy. This is known as the Bystander Effect. It stimulates a lot of other neurotransmitters and chemicals that cause a second cancer to occur.
"Chemotherapy is a poison that doesn't know the difference between one cell and another and kills them all indiscriminately. And if the patient is eating a diet high in PUFAs, he is stimulating an effect, combined with estrogen, which will generate cancer. If, on top of that, he has one of those 'pricks' sticking out his ear (for his cell phone) and he is eating soy and polyunsaturated fatty acids in his diet, he will definitely bring about another cancer, if he is still alive, or the chemotherapy and the Bystander Effect of the EMFs will cause problems in his brain, such as memory loss or brain cancer.
"What two things do cancer and aging have in common? One is aerobic glycolysis, which was known and discovered by Otto Warburg in 1923. What is one of the first signs that a person has cancer? The same as one who is undergoing a rapid aging process--weight loss. Muscle tissue and fat both degenerate."
Folks, I am trying to get Dr. "B" to give one of the finest, if not the finest, lectures I have ever heard on Cancer Metabolism and a great way to stop it cold and/or avoid it. When we are saying this, we are also talking a lot about aging, because the process of cancer is very similar to that of aging. In fact, it is almost identical!
Dr. "B" pointed to an article that appeared in the New York Times Sunday Magazine, by Sam Apple, "Starving the Beast," May 15, 2016, about brand new interest in killing cancer metabolically. They quoted James Watson, of DNA fame, who said, "I never thought, until about two months ago, I'd have to learn the Krebs Cycle. Now, I realize I have to."
Dr. "B" feels that a thorough study of the Krebs Cycle could lead to an interest in the Pasteur Effect and a complete reconsideration of cancer. The Pasteur Effect referred to by Warburg is the suppression of lactic acid production from glucose in the presence of oxygen.
In short, according to Dr. "B," "Cancer may have much less, or nothing, to do with your genetic code and everything to do with how your body handles glycolysis."
Dr. Ray Peat, endocrine physiologist, says in his July, 2016 newsletter, "When cancer metabolism increases the amount of lactate in the blood, increased breathing lowers the carbon dioxide in the blood (Gargaglioni, et al., 2003), and the loss of CO2 affects metabolism and physiology at all levels. When CO2 is increased, the redox balance of the cell is shifted in the direction of oxidation, (Mel'nychuk, et al., 1977), and the use of glucose for growth and fat synthesis is inhibited, and the Krebs cycle is activated (Mel'nychuk, et al., 1978.)."
Why this not used today? Because it is too simple. There is no money in it for the doctors or for Big Pharma without expensive chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
But when carbon dioxide is increased, and you regular readers know how to do this by now, Dr. "B" has had a remission and a clearing up of cancer in patients. However, the problem is, out of 300 patients, only 3 were able to do this. Why? Because they could (1) change their behavior and follow instructions to the letter, and (2) stop eating lactate-producing foods such as soured milk products like yogur; or (3) increase their carbon dioxide through certain modalities, such as ingesting sodium bicarbonate tablets or in solution.
The amazing thing thing is that so few people were able to follow these simple instructions. Therefore, it extrapolates down to this:
Increased lactate decreases carbon dioxide.
Increasing carbon dioxide generates oxidation increasement and glucose for growth and fat synthesis is decreased or stopped.
And, the Krebs cycle is activated more efficiently.
He also has his patients on a good vitamin and a good mineral tablet, and using T3 and Progesterone tablets. Also, note that many doctors have their patients on an increased, intense exercise program, if they can handle it, that increases lactate production, and that is adding more lactate to the body that fuels the cancer! Dr. "B" recommends light exercise when one has cancer.
Another thing Dr. “B” recommends, as you may recall, is aspirin ( That's A Hot Link, Folks!). It is great for cancer and cancer prevention, but you will likely never hear your doctor say this.
It is coming fast now, folks, that moment when TSHTF. You want to be prepared with knowledge and other sundries as we have been talking about over the past few years.
Landmark Study Shows Half of Cancer Patients are Killed by Chemo — NOT Cancer
Claire Bernish, September 3, 2016
No matter how much doctors push the treatment, chemotherapy might not be the best option in the fight against cancer, as a new study shows up to 50 percent of patients are killed by the drugs — not the disease, itself.
Researchers from Public Health England and Cancer Research UK performed a groundbreaking study examining for the first time the numbers of cancer patients who died within 30 days of beginning chemotherapy — indicating the treatment, not the cancer, was the cause of death.
Looking at those death rates in hospitals across the U.K., researchers found an alarming mortality rate associated with chemotherapy.
Across “England around 8.4 per cent of patients with lung cancer, and 2.4 per cent of breast cancer patients died within a month,” the Telegraph reported.
“But in some hospitals the figure was far higher. In Milton Keynes the death rate for lung cancer treatment was 50.9 per cent, although it was based on a very small number of patients.”
Alarmingly, the one-month mortality rate at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals for those undergoing palliative, rather than curative, chemotherapy for lung cancer was a full 28 percent. One in five breast cancer patients receiving palliative care at Cambridge University Hospitals died from treatment.
In certain areas — Blackpool, Coventry, Derby, South Tyneside, and Surrey and Sussex — deaths of lung cancer patients by chemotherapy were ‘far higher’ than the national average.
Dr. Jem Rashbass, Cancer Lead for Public Health England — the national health care service, which requested the study — said, as quoted by the Telegraph:
“Chemotherapy is a vital part of cancer treatment and is a large reason behind the improved survival rates over the last four decades.
“However, it is powerful medication with significant side effects and often getting the balance right on which patients to treat aggressively can be hard.
“Those hospitals whose death rates are outside the expected range have had the findings shared with them and we have asked them to review their practice and data.”
For the analysis, researchers “included all women with breast cancer and all men and women with lung cancer residing in England, who were 24 years or older and who started a cycle” of chemotherapy in 2014.
Long the mainstay for treating various cancers, chemotherapy has finally drawn criticism in recent years, as the medicine does not differentiate between healthy and cancerous cells. Now, this study — published in the Lancet — shows how that powerful cell-destroying property can mean the demise for patients as well.
Researchers have advised physicians to exercise more caution in vetting which patients should ideally receive chemotherapy. Older and more infirm patients, in particular, might be better off without receiving palliative care, which is designed to offer relief instead of curing the disease.
“The statistics don’t suggest bad practice overall but there are some outliers,” noted Professor David Dodwell of the Institute of Oncology at St. James Hospital in Leeds.
“It could be data problems, and figures skewed because of just a few deaths, but nevertheless it could also be down to problems with clinical practice,” he continued.
“I think it’s important to make patients aware that there are potentially life threatening downsides to chemotherapy. And doctors should be more careful about who they treat with chemotherapy.”
All hospitals involved said they reviewed the information and remain certain chemotherapy is safe — with the caveat patient selection for the treatment may need to be more discretionary.
Professor David Cameron of the Edinburgh Cancer Centre at West General Hospital in Edinburgh, Scotland, noted, "The concern is that with some of the patients dying within 30 days of being given chemo probably shouldn't have been given the chemo. But how many? There is no easy way to answer that, but perhaps looking at those places/hospitals where the death rate was higher might help.
“Furthermore, if we give less chemo then some patients will die because they didn’t get chemo. It’s a fine balance and the more data we have the better we can be at making sure we get the balance right.”
Meanwhile, doctors in the United States should probably take note, considering the sheer number of patients forced to undergo chemotherapy at the State’s behest despite objections from those patients and their families.
In one example, a 17-year-old diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma decided to seek alternatives to chemotherapy, but her doctors — so inculcated in state and Big Pharma propaganda — contacted family services, who then kidnapped the young adult and placed her in foster care.
She was finally allowed to return home once she agreed to undergo the often debilitating treatment — but ran away once doctors informed her she’d have to endure surgery for the implantation of a chemo port. In an incredible act of Orwellian Big Government, the Supreme Court ruled the State was in the right in this case — and after being kidnapped and forced into treatment against her will, was denied contact with her own family.
As unfathomably invasive as that was, it isn’t isolated.
Alternative treatments do, in fact, exist — the most promising among them for many cancers are various formulations of CBD oil, a cannabis derivative. But, thanks to the phenomenally failed war on drugs, cancer patients in most areas of the U.S. are unable to procure much needed medicine or are forced to receive treatment on the sly — risking time behind bars simply for wanting to cure themselves.
Linear No Threshold Theory (LNT) of ionising radiation is backed by new research
Gamma radiation at a human relevant low dose rate is genotoxic in mice, Anne Graupner, Dag M. Eide, Christine Instanes, Jill M. Andersen, Dag A. Brede, Stephen D. Dertinger, Ole C. Lind, Anicke Brandt-Kjelsen, Hans Bjerke, Brit Salbu, Deborah Oughton, Gunnar Brunborg & Ann K. Olsen Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 32977 September 21016
Even today, 70 years after Hiroshima and accidents like in Chernobyl and Fukushima, we still have limited knowledge about the health effects of low dose rate (LDR) radiation. Despite their human relevance after occupational and accidental exposure, only few animal studies on the genotoxic effects of chronic LDR radiation have been performed. Selenium (Se) is involved in oxidative stress defence, protecting DNA and other biomolecules from reactive oxygen species (ROS). It is hypothesised that Se deficiency, as it occurs in several parts of the world, may aggravate harmful effects of ROS-inducing stressors such as ionising radiation.
We performed a study in the newly established LDR-facility Figaro on the combined effects of Se deprivation and LDR γ exposure in DNA repair knockout mice (Ogg1-/-) and control animals (Ogg1+/-). Genotoxic effects were seen after continuous radiation (1.4?mGy/h) for 45 days. Chromosomal damage (micronucleus), phenotypic mutations (Pig-a gene mutation of RBCCD24-) and DNA lesions (single strand breaks/alkali labile sites) were significantly increased in blood cells of irradiated animals, covering three types of genotoxic activity.
This study demonstrates that chronic LDR γ radiation is genotoxic in an exposure scenario realistic for humans, supporting the hypothesis that even LDR γ radiation may induce cancer……..
In the present study we demonstrate that exposure to a human relevant LDR γ radiation induces genotoxic effects in mouse blood cells assessed with three separate but complementary assays. These effects were expressed as increased levels of chromosomal damage (micronuclei), phenotypic mutations (RBCCD24-) and DNA lesions (ssb/als). The absolute measured changes were small, but significant. The formation of MN was observed in all irradiated groups independent of genotype or diet, and significant changes were seen in both immature and mature erythrocytes. This is an expected result given the chronic exposure and lack of splenic filtration of circulating MN-containing erythrocytes18……..In summary, exposure to chronic LDR of ionising radiation is indeed genotoxic with potential implications for cancer development, and the response is modified by the availability of Se, an element involved in the antioxidative defence report
Go Here For The Great Lecture On Selenium Dr. "B" Gave Us On 2016, Trek!
Dr. "B" Taught Us About Extreme Wildland Fire Behavior!
Dr. "B" Taught Us About A Fire Whirl, Which Is A Vertically Oriented Vortex, A Spinning, Moving Column of Air Like A Tornado Or A Dust Devil. It Is A Result of The Heating In The Lower Atmosphere Caused By The Wildfire And Rotation In The Local Airflow, And Is Considered To Be A Sign of “Extreme Fire Behavior,” Meaning That Conditions Are Right For This Fire To Move Unexpectedly Fast And In Unexpected Ways.
Dr. "B" Pointed When The Rocks Are Coming In, Causing Huge Fires; or, Volcanoes Generating Them, We Learn Now To Move Lateral to Fire Whirls That May Be Generated
These World-Class Bankers, Present From All Over Europe—After Three World–Wide Treks With Him, Now Feel, "Something Awesome Is Coming To The Planet! We Can See It Now From All Dr. "B" Has Pointed Out To Us The Present Increasing Earth Changes."
We Will Still Have To Contend With These:
We Learned This Too! Gauging Fire Behavior & Guiding Fireline Decisions!
It's Going To Be Real Hell, Real Soon, Folks!
And, Read This Too!
Shocking New Study Shows Chemo Kills Half of Cancer Patients, Not Cancer Itself
Tuesday, September 20, 2016 by: Amy Goodrich
(NaturalNews) A new landmark study found that up to 50 percent of people who receive chemotherapy are killed by the treatment,
not cancer itself. For the first time, researchers from Public Health England and Cancer Research U.K. examined the numbers of cancer patients who died within 30 days of starting chemotherapy.
Chemotherapy is an invasive and toxic treatment to kill cancer cells. Unfortunately, chemo doesn't differentiate between a cancerous or a healthy cell. As a result, it kills all living matter on its way. Furthermore, chemo drugs are known to damage the immune system. This makes cancer patients more vulnerable to infections, which may contribute to the high mortality rates.
Chemo Kills Within The First 30 Days
The study, which was published in The Lancet Oncology medical journal, looked at more than 23,000 women with breast cancer
and nearly 10,000 men with lung cancer who underwent chemotherapy in 2014. Of those treated with chemotherapy, 1,383 died within 30 days.
As reported by the Telegraph, on average 8.4 percent of lung cancer patients and 2.4 percent of breast cancer patients died within a month. That number, however, depended hugely on the hospital.
The mortality rate at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals for those undergoing palliative chemotherapy for lung cancer, for instance,
was 28 percent. But in Milton Keynes the death rate for lung cancer treatment went up to 50.9 percent.
According to Dr. Jem Rashbass, Cancer Lead for Public Health England, chemotherapy is a crucial part of cancer treatment. He, however, admitted that chemotherapy drugs are potent chemical substances with significant side effects.
He further noted that getting the balance right to aggressively treat patients can be hard. Therefore, hospitals with death rates outside the expected range have had the findings shared with them. Also, they have been asked to review their practice and data.
Doctors Should Be More Careful About Pushing Toxic Treatment
Furthermore, the authors of the study have advised physicians to exercise more caution in selecting which patients should receive chemotherapy. They noted that some people, such as older and more infirm patients, might be better off without it.
"I think it's important to make patients aware that there are potentially life threatening downsides to chemotherapy. And doctors should be more careful about who they treat with chemotherapy," said Professor David Dodwell, Institute of Oncology, St James Hospital, Leeds, UK.
All hospitals involved stated that since they received the notification of the high death rates, they have reviewed the information and
remain certain chemotherapy was safe in all administered cases.
While chemotherapy has been used as a cancer treatment for decades, scientists are still looking for safer and more effective treatments or a possible cure. In May 2016, a study conducted at the Duke University Medical Center found that an antibody, developed from the human body's immune system, appeared to specifically target cancer cells without doing damage to healthy cells.
Effective alternative treatments do exist, but due to bad governmental policies in favor of the Big Pharma, cancer patients in most areas
of the U.S. are withhold from such treatments and are forced into expensive chemotherapy treatments or face time in jail.
Remember the 17-year-old girl who was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma? Last year, after seeking out alternative care, she was denied contact with her own family and placed in foster care while health authorities forced her to undergo cancer treatment against her will.
... To Be Continued ...
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In An UpComing Issue:
Something You Need To Know For What's Coming
Kong Sez: uses Graphics, Videos, Audios, and other devices to communicate facts. As time nears to in America and the world, ChemBio Updates will be sent out several times a week, either in e-mail format or as a hot link to its WebSite, as information warrants.
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